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Successfully Treating Websites As Patients for a wholistic approach to Website Marketing.


As website marketing physicians, our goal is to build and maintain a healthy online presence.

By adopting a holistic approach inspired by Eastern medicine, we can diagnose and treat our websites more effectively.


The Website as a Living Entity


Viewing your website as a living, breathing organism can revolutionize your approach to online marketing. Search engines like Google already perceive websites this way, so aligning our perspective can lead to better results.

The Lifeblood of Engagement

Just as blood nourishes the human body, visitor engagement is the lifeblood of a website. This vital flow includes:

  • Clicking through links
  • Reading pages
  • Scrolling content
  • Interacting with elements

These activities carry essential "nutrients" throughout your site, maintaining its vitality and function.


Diagnosing Website Health Issues


Oxygen Deprivation

A lack of visitors is akin to oxygen deprivation in the human body. Without adequate traffic, your website will struggle to thrive. Symptoms may include:

  • Low search engine rankings
  • Poor conversion rates
  • Stagnant growth


Blockages in the System

Just as foreign bacteria can block nutrient absorption in the body, certain factors can impede the flow of "link juice" through your website:

  • Broken links
  • Poor internal linking structure
  • Outdated or irrelevant content


Treating Your Website Holistically


To maintain optimal website health:

  1. Encourage circulation: Create compelling content that keeps visitors engaged and moving through your site.
  2. Remove blockages: Regularly audit and fix broken links, improve site structure, and update content.
  3. Boost immunity: Implement strong security measures to protect against threats.
  4. Provide proper nutrition: Offer valuable, relevant information to satisfy both visitors and search engines.

By adopting this holistic approach, you can nurture a thriving online presence that attracts and retains visitors, ultimately leading to better search engine performance and business success.